HomeNFTHow to earn with NFT

How to earn on nft

Join MY SEVEN platform and use unique tools and features available to make a profit from NFT.

create sNFT with celebreties

Become famous and get lifetime royalties
Let's create NFT
Let's create NFT
Let's create NFT

buy and sell trending nft

Make money on the growth of the NFT price
Let's create NFT
Let's create NFT
Let's create NFT
Let's create NFT
Let's create NFT
MY SEVEN platform is the place where artists, celebrities, and their followers can come together. You can increase your income by creating and trading NFT. We provide a comfortable and transparent environment where all parties can come together.

CREATE sNFT & Get royalties lifetime

We offer an opportunity for creators to make Social NFT (sNFT) together with celebrities and receive royalties each and every time they are sold

create snft

nft ideas

get votes

mobile app

receive lifetime revenue


why NFT on MY seven are to grow in price

The value and market price of NFT are influenced by the history and context associated with the asset and the brand. We integrate rare value mechanics to each NFT that make trading on our platform profitable.

NFT from verified celebrities only

We work directly with each celebrity and help them launch their own App and Exclusive NFT Marketplace. Every celebrity is verified.


all nft are signed and minted by celebrity

We collect and verify each celebrity's autograph on the platform. The authenticity of each NFT on the marketplace can be verified by its unique address.

only My Seven

each celebrity has strong community of followers here

Celebrity announces the launch of the App and Exclusive NFT Marketplace and brings loyal followers here through official social media channels.

only My Seven

Millions of followers with my seven tokens provide buying power

Various activities from celebrities are completed by users all around the world, who then earn tokens and drive significant demand within the platform.

token planet
only My Seven

how to buy and sell nft on my seven

MY SEVEN NFT marketplace provides you with the opportunity to purchase digital art from celebrities and creators. Make your own collection or engage in NFT trading.